Today it's off to have another test, and see the Chemo Dr.
My mind is starting to roll around it's usual state instead of the disjointed mess it's been in..things are wanting to be created and things are making sense as we wade our way thru all this Cancer mess...
Thanks for all the prayers and all the thoughts, cards, surprises in the mail and phone calls. We really appreciate every last second of it!
I really hated missing out on Fall Paper Cowgirl..I know you gals had a great time and hope Cee posts some photos on the PC blog soon, for I want to see what all kinds of goodies were created down at the Crafty Scrapper...
God Bless you all!
Thinking of you. Good news that things are starting to clear up in your head.
Glad to hear from you this morning :) I continue to pray for you and your family.
Hello Tina,
So brave of you to keep us informed. I wish you all the best.
Hi Tina,
I recently heard about your cancer, and want to say I'm so sorry you're going thru this. I'm thinking of you and praying for a swift, and full recovery for you. It's a tough time for sure, but I hope in some small way it helps to know there are lots of us out here sending all good things your way. It's a great big world we live in, but this art community is very small, and there are many keeping you in there prayers. Wishing you peace and strength.
So glad to hear you are thinking about creating that is a good sign. Hang in there
Hi Tina,
Just came across from another blog and I just want to say how sorry I am to hear your news.
Sending my prayers and well wishes,
to you.
Continued prayers! Sorry I didn't get to see you at the Paper Cowgirls event.
My prayers are with you and your family.xo
The port will be so helpful, as long as they keep it good and clean and you have it flushed every month. My hubby has one for his lung cancer,stage IV.
Please go to Renewal & Wellness at webnd.com( 'n' as in natural doctor). They have a toll free number to talk to, and are so very helpful. They sell Protocel, which has cured many a cancer- not all, but many. Outsmart Your Cancer, by Tania Harter Pierce (about $13.77 on Amazon) devotes 4 chapters to the Protocel. The book is on alternatives in cancer treatment that work.
It can be taken with chemo. It will not ruin the chemo. We have a family friend who looks to be free of his lung cancer. He has been on it for 2 1/2 years.
We have been thru a lot in this household. I highly recommend the Protocel. Don't know if it will get rid of hubby's, but feel there is hope with it. My husband had brain surgery a less than a week after the official diagnosis, whole brain radiation, chemo, chest radiation, a clinical trial at NIH, and is back to chemo now, and maybe more radiation, but he is responding well to the chemo, which is great.
It is all tough, but if you need a question answered or a blogging hand, just send me a holler in my email:)
I came through Jann of www.a-vintage-heart.blogspot.com
i'm anxious to hear how everything went - i'll call you from the road tomorrow as planned.
i've been praying for you today and know all went well - i'm really glad you're less foggy!
xoxo, sweetie, jan
I'm prayin' for you and your family!
Hang in there, cowgirl!!
Just found your blog today, Tina. I'm so sorry to hear about your bout with cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with you dear. I've been putting off having my first colonoscopy done, but I think tomorrow I'll call my Dr. May God rain His blessing of healing upon you through and through.
I hope you continue to see your way clear through it all, Tina! I saw a couple blogs with the Cowgirl crafts, and regretted not being able to attend! It was just Gorgeous! But there's going to be lots more, for you and me, right, so I'll be back soon to craft with all the cowgirls!
Keep getting stronger and I'll continue to pray for you too! Suzie
Tina ~ it's a real treat to hear from you here. Your kindness just can't be halted. May peace continue to be bestowed upon you and your family. Wishing you strength and blessings, Angela
Glad to hear that your brain is clearing...must be Will's good cooking! :D Can't wait to see what you begin crafting on...missin that. You know you are on my heart and in my prayers gurl! :D
Hi Tina, glad to hear that the fog is beginning to lift alittle, continued prayers that God will lift you up and give you strength & peace. Hugs, Renea
Hi Tina! I owe you an email too but I am catching up on blogs finally first. Let me just say that I have always been impressed with you . . . your many talents, your spirit, your fiestiness and zest. I am even more impressed with you now. You will beat this "c" thing, I know in my heart and down to my bones, because your talents, spirit, fiestiness, and zest will carry you through this even more brightly than you already shine. They say, everything is practice for the next thing. And, so much love and so many good thoughts and prayers are being sent your way. Thanks for keeping us updated. I think about you everyday.
Your presence was still felt @ Paper Cowgirl. And I want to thank you for your contributions to it...it was soo much fun. Sure wish you could have been there!
You will remain in my prayers...God bless!
Tina it is so good to see you posting! I am so glad to hear that you are thinking of creating, that is good news! Hang in there, and keep fighting, God is good and He will see you through it all!!! Much love and prayers headed your way!
Hi Tina!!
Huge hugs to you sweetie!! I will pray for you!! :-) xoxo!! Britt :-)
I was thrilled to read your last few blog posts. It is good to hear about your journey, and to see that you are blogging. There are so many of us out here that want to do something for you, and praying is often the best we can offer. So know that my thought sand prayers are coming your way daily!!! Love and hugs to you!!!
Lisa :o)
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