Look at this sunrise that greeted me today! It was awesome..Dark red was the sun, it was just a huge orb as it was coming up..too bad I'm not a good enough photographer to have captured it....
I had to be up and at'em early this morn..got a paint job ..so when I came home, Merl the mail man had been by and boy, was the Big Black Mail box full up...other than bills and magazines it was full of goodies!! Yea for me ;)
This one was first to be opened when I saw it:

These little lovelies were from an Etsy shop:
My wonderfully talented friend Andreea made me a gift box!!
She filled it with lovelies and look at the crocheted wrap:

Bobbin' Heads riding in the back dash of cars....Remember these?? Well I had to find one for Son's 55 Chevy..well, I won enough in one auction..for Hub's 55 Chevy, my car and even my Daughter's car..lol..
They may all go in the jalopy...just for fun~
I won this wonderful print from:
Stephanie Rubiano's Blog!! She another Texas gal I like to check in on and see what's up..She's been in Somerset more times than you can count with her wonderful perching pixies and at Art and Soul and other retreat..maybe we need to see if she'll pop in at Paper Cowgirl???..Now to find the perfect frame for it...

I won this wonderful print from:

Ya'll have a great day, I hope your mail box is full of goodies too today!
Just found your etsy shop and now this great blog! took a soldering class in NJ this summer and now it's my new obsession...your stuff is
You are in my thoughts my dear. Love and hugs and prayers.
Okay, well, I was trying to be discrete in my first post after Becky emailed me, but now Cindy has it on her blog so I am going to yell it from the mountain . . . unending prayers are being lifted up for you. FAITH, my friend. You had that appendix for a reason and it is certainly good that it spoke up. So FAITH! Believe in the millions of prayers that will be lifted up and all of the love that will be sent your way. Believe. Love you! Let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do for you or your family. I'll do it!
Tina what wonderful things you have recieved today....lovely and great friends too
I also send my prayers to help you thru this time.and one of my angels to watch over you..hugs
Hi! I just popped over from your friend Cindy's blog hearing this awfull news about you. I just want to wish you a lot of strenght to cope with all that is coming to you and sending you a lot of positive vibes, so that everything will work out fine in the end. Please keep up your good spirit, as I 'know' you a little while I'm lurking here, for I don't know how long. I do hope you'll get a tremendous amount of support especially from the ones you love, but also small messages from bloggers like me. Wishing you the best! Take care!
Tina, i just read about your diagnosis on your friend Cindy's blog...i will be praying for you:)
Just popped over from Yapping Cat blog. Sending you all good wishes & prayers.
My prayers are with you and your family....Love, Chantal
I just read on Cindy's blog that you have been diagnosed w/ cancer. I'm so sorry Tina...I'm including you in my prayers. God bless!
Dear Tina, sweet Cindy has a prayer call out for you, and I am here to let you know we are with you, and will ask for complete healing and recovery for you.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Tina.
Was just over at Paper Cowgirl and wanted you to know that you are in prayers!!! HUGS!
I don't even think I have the words to express how awful I feel for you right now.....all I can say is put up a good fight girl and don't give up or give in! You need to still come on over and have a good home cooked mexican dinner! I've prayed and I'll keep praying for you and your family! Keep the faith and stay strong, PC needs you!
God Bless & xoxo, AD
If you need anything at all you call on me!
Hi Tina!
I'm Lynn. Nice to meet you!! I do so love your blog.
I have gotten to know Cindy over at Yapping Cat. She has asked us to send you cheer and encouragement since hearing of your diagnosis. I would like to leave you with this scripture which has gotten myself and some others that I know through some tough hurdles.
"Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders."
Deuteronomy 31:11-13
Lots of hugs to you!!
What nice mail you received! I've been thinking of you.
Tina~ I am sending my love and offering unceasing heartfelt prayers!!! xoxox
Hello! your friend Cindy sent me your way, and I'm enjoying your blog very much. I especially like your nodder dogs. Too cute!
Tina.....I'm working on my soldering, girl, but can't get it perfected without you, so get well. Quick!! I'm calling all the prayer warriors down here in the Hill Country to send their prayers for your return to health up to you in North Texas....and my prayers are flying up there also. Can't party with out you.....
God's love,
The Texas Redhead
Hey, Woman!! I remember reading your blog a loooong time ago, and how I loved your blog's name - "glue on my fingers" - since that is one of my favorite things to experience; getting my crafty groove on and glue on my fingers!! I found you through dear old Cindy, that yapping cat, and am sorry that I have not bee by for a visit in ages. I am thinking of you and sending you good thoughts!! You are such a sweetie, and I am so glad to have met you in this crafty-swappy world!! Hugs, Tina!!!
Lisa :o)
I'm going to hopefully get some comments about your "medical adventure with C." started here. I think this is the perfect post to say a few words about your new battle....the sunrise in which you can see God so plainly and then the gifts you received in one day in your mailbox....God and gifts. They go hand in hand and I know that He has many gifts planned for you in these coming days. They will be mixed in with your trauma, the complete upset of your world and your new life battle.
I know that you wear the armor of God and that He will give you the strength you need to fight the good fight.
I also know how much He loves you.
At least three times as much as I do.
You are my precious friend,
I love you,
I am sending prayers and hope that all will turn out well. Keep remembering that beautiful sunrise and know that each day has a new beginning.
Love those kind of mail days! Looks like you had an AMAZING one!!!
Tina, I am praying for you and your family and sending you lots of hugs and sunshine! You are an amazing person with a strong spirit.
Tina, I just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am sending you lots of hugs and sunshine!
Tina, please know that you are in my prayers in that you have much peace in enduring this battle with cancer. Know that this will not defeat you and that your spirit must remain open to the peace and healing of prayers sent your way. It is so shocking that one of your beauty and energy can be hit with such a hard blow. It is that same strength that will get you through this. Know that you are loved by so many and wished that the very best care and blessings surround you and your family at all times.~ Angela
Tina, have been following your blog for a while but heard about your diagnosis through Cindy's blog. Please know that you are in my prayers and I'm Asking God to watch over you and to guide the physicians in charge of your care!
First I was at Jan's, then read what Miss C wrote on Paper Cowgirl, and now I'm here...You are in my prayers, you and your family and I pray the doctors have wisdom in treating you and that you are surrounded by kindness.
wonderful goodies you received! i just wanted to let you know you are in my prayers, keep the faith. hugs, susan
Tina, I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but I also know that colon cancer is one of the most treatable. I'm so honored to be a part of a group of gals that is praying for you. Make sure and take good care of yourself, because I'm saving my nickels and days off of work to come meet you at next year's Paper Cowgirl Retreat:D
I heard about you from Pam's blog and even though I don't know you, I am praying that you will be completely healed!
sending prayers upon prayers your way.
Tina, so many thoughts and prayers are with you--may you feel the love and peace and strength of each one and allow them to support you in the days ahead...big hugs, Marilyn
Tina I have come over from Cindy's blog -my thoughts are with you during this tough time. Sending positive thoughts your way.
Tina- what are those doorknobs/escutcheon things you got on Etsy? I believe you called them charms. Are they paper? How big are they? Very cool. Can you point me in their direction. And thinking of you, having read Jan T's alert. Now, you need a different kind of mojo. Focus on that. The entire art community is sending you our thoughts.
How nice to meet you and any friend of Cindy's is someone worth knowing -- Delightful blog --
May God bless and that your healing begins as we speak -- will certainly pray for you --
Blessings -- kathy - ga
Hi Tina, so sorry about your diagnosis. I will keep you on my prayer list. And yes the next time I'm up your way I'd love to go to Starbucks for coffee. Take care. Hugs***Renea
Tina, My love, prayers and thoughts are with you. Your strength and wit, friends and family will be good medicine for you. As a cancer survivor I will be lifting you up in prayer daily and praying for healing. Go positively with God's constant care.
Love you,
Rhonda Lou
Just had to pop in again and tell you I think about you all day every day, sending my biggest prayers and hugs.
I'm sending well wishes to you and your family as you go down this unexpected path. I hope it helps in some small way knowing there are many praying for you, sending loving, healing thoughts out to you. May peace, comfort, and strength surround you.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. If art is the best therapy for anything, you got it licked 'cause you are a GREAT artist. Please know how many folks are praying for you and holding you up with our hearts. Lots of hugs, Stephanie
Tina, I just read about you at Pam Warden's blog. I have added your name to my prayer list! Everything is in God's hands.
Also, I have fallen in love with your blog and will be back to visit again!
Nita Jo
I was privileged enough to have taken one of your classes at Crafty Scrapper and was impressed with what a sweet spirit you possess. I am praying for you and yours to have the strength and faith to overcome this diagnosis. Many blessings and love,
Blessings and positive thoughts to you as you face this detour in your life.
Thoughts and prayers Tina!
Aloha Tina,
I found your blog through a friends blog. Isn't it wonderful to recieve such pretties from friends. I also want you to know that you have a prayer warrior lifting prayers up to the throne room of God for you , all the way in Hawaii (smiles)
Blessings Lorie
Dear Tina,
I would have been here sooner, but we just got the office set up in Podunk:) My thoughts have not been far from you since getting Cee's email. I told her you are a warrior and that is true. My prayers and support are yours Tina.
Love Always,
Sleeping Beauty
Do what you must to get well! Your fan club will be waiting here for you when you get back ;) Sending healing prayers.
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